Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Fall Of The Roman Empire Essays - Barbarian, Injustice, Warriors

The Fall Of The Roman Empire Did the Roman Empire deserve to Fall?No The achievements of the Roman Empire were unmatched at its time. Many things it accomplished are ideas and ways of life that did not become widespread until after its fall. The Roman Empire would have made the advancement of people in Europe much faster. The Roman Empire was the most modern ancient empire. It made many advancements in the arts and sciences. It had many great poets, philosophers, artists, and engineers. The Romans encouraged learning and supported any who endeavored to make discoveries or technological improvement. If the Roman Empire had not fallen, the world, from a scientific stand point would be very different today. The Roman Empire would have made discoveries and scientific advancements before the Dark Ages. During the Dark Ages no scientific studies or appreciation of the arts took place. For almost an entire millennium humans made no advancements. The barbarians, who destroyed Rome, destroyed it to take its wealth not its knowledge. The knowledge that was lost was not resurrected until the Renaissance. Technological improvement was at a standstill. If the Roman empire had lasted, Europe would not have fallen into that dark period. Rome would have kept modernizing. Today, we could be at a technological level we may not reach for many years. The Romans made advancements in the field of medicine. Today we could have had cures for many diseases had the empire not fallen. The Roman empire was a democracy. It was one of the first of its kind. It could have stood as a model for all the kingdoms and monarchies across the world. Human rights were existent at Rome hundreds of years before any other place around the world. The Roman people were represented in their government and had power. Many people around the world who were persecuted under dictators and monarchies could have looked at Rome as an example of what a better form of government is. It took the rest of the world more than another millennia to form another democracy. The Roman Government had three parts. These three parts used a system of checks and balances just as a modern democracy does today. The first government to adopt this system since Rome was England, when it adopted its two houses of parliament. After the fall of Rome, anarchy took place in the parts of Europe that it occupied. During this anarchy, civilization deteriorated to its most basic level. People had to fight for survival and trial wars ravaged the populous. Culture was absent and the standard of living was horrible. This period of chaos would not have occurred if the Roman Empire had continued to exist. Europe would not have fallen behind other nations such as the Arabs and Orientals in technological advancement. These cultures were far more advanced than European culture during the Middle Ages(1). Yes Rome is famous for its legions. They were the supreme fighting force in those days. The military deteriorated toward the end of the empire. The soldiers in the army were loyal to their own personal general and not the emperor. They began to fight for their general and not their country. They were not motivated by patriotism, rather by money. This led to the hiring of mercenaries instead of patriotic troops fighting for their country. The corruption of the generals also affected the army. The generals fought for whoever would pay them the most. They felt no connection to the empire or obligation to defend it. They were seeking their own personal gain. This is a reason for the fall of Rome. Its military no longer defended it against foreign threats. The Roman Empire's government was originally set up as a government for a city state. The empire became too large for it to be able to control itself. The system of government became ineffective for such a large empire. Te government could not keep track of itself. This led to corruption and the deterioration of the administration in the bureaucratic process. Poor leaders took the place of honest and righteous men. When the empire was invaded by the barbarians, the empire lacked the leadership in order to reassert itself and rebuild. This may have

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The eNotes Blog Octobers Teachers Corner Column How To Be Proactive and OrganizedYear-Round

Octobers Teachers Corner Column How To Be Proactive and OrganizedYear-Round Teacher’s Corner is a monthly newsletter from just for teachers. In it, experienced educator and contributor Susan Hurn shares her tips, tricks, and insight into  the world of teaching. Check out this month’s Teacher’s Corner column below, or sign up to receive the complete newsletter in your inbox at . Whether you’re a new teacher or a classroom veteran, the school year can feel overwhelming, more so than ever since the demands of standards-based testing and professional development have grown increasingly complex and time consuming. Teaching now seems to require holding down two jobs at once: teaching kids with one hand and meeting a plethora of administrative mandates with the other. It’s tough to carry such a load day after day without sinking under the weight. According to the old proverb, â€Å"A stitch in time saves nine.† It’s true, and it’s still good advice. Being proactive takes a little time, but it saves a lot of work and heads off problems, making a difficult year more manageable and less stressful. Here are a few ways to save yourself in the classroom by acting sooner rather than later: Organize your paperwork, but don’t overdo it: An organizational system shouldn’t be so complicated that it takes hours to create and you have to remember what’s filed where when you’re looking for something. Backing up critical information is a must, but recording the same information in multiple places wastes time. Making lists keeps things on track, but if you have so many lists you need a master list to keep track of them, you’ve overachieved! (I’m speaking from experience here, so trust me.) Organize your classroom in ways that work for you. Check out this list of 100 tips for classroom organization, many of them submitted by other teachers.  Scroll down and you’ll find a mini-list of 5 online tools to use in getting organized. Also, visit this page at  for links to 32 articles (32!) with classroom organization tips and tricks. Keep an emergency folder for substitute teachers, whether the principal requires one or not. Include in it some solid but generic lesson plans and activities that would be good to use anytime and that won’t need updating. Keep them simple. Write plans that don’t require a lot of explanation for the sub or your students to follow. Assemble a folder for yourself with backup plans to employ if things fall apart in class for one reason or another. Writing activities, practice pages, and general review exercises are all good backup plans that would be useful throughout the year. Make sure the contents of your emergency folder are different from the materials in the sub folder. Use a â€Å"bell ringer† at the beginning of each class. The strategy gets kids on task immediately, and while they’re working independently for 5 or 10 minutes, you will have some uninterrupted time to take attendance and gather your wits. Keep a folder with a collection of writing prompts to use as bell ringers throughout the year. There’s no need to generate them yourself. Lists of writing prompts, many of them grade and subject specific, can be found on line. Other lists, like this one from, include prompts that could be used in several subjects.  Type what you need into a search engine, and you’re in business. Educational research shows that kids should write in every class, for a variety of reasons, and bell ringers don’t have to be graded to be worthwhile. Put together some information packets for new students who show up unexpectedly in class. They can get settled, and you can keep teaching with a minimum of disruption. It’s nice to put a welcome note in each packet, since being the new kid in class can be tough. Anticipate problems and head them off at the pass with your plan book: Schedule tests and quizzes when most students will be present to take them, instead of attending another teacher’s field trip or participating in some other school activity. Avoid creating make-up work when you can. Every teacher knows the difference between a â€Å"hard day† and an â€Å"easy day† in class. Balance them through the week to give yourself- and the kids- a break. Schedule assignments in various classes so that everything isn’t due at the same time, burying you under an avalanche of papers to grade. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to.   Using good lessons, quizzes, activities, and handouts created by somebody else or tweaking them to serve your own purposes saves time and complements your own planning. Thousands of free resources for all grades and subjects can be found on line, such as these documents at . Being proactive outside the classroom also makes teaching less stressful. By communicating with parents, students, peers, and principals, it’s often possible to avoid problems before they materialize and to build relationships that will pay dividends throughout the year. A heads-up before things get complicated is a â€Å"stitch in time† that can keep a situation from unraveling in very stressful ways. Considering all the demands teachers must meet every day, how much time does teaching require? The answer is â€Å"more.† Since there’s never enough time, spending some of it being proactive is a good investment. Preventing fires takes some time up front, but it’s much less stressful than racing through each day putting them out. Keep in mind, too, that football, falling leaves, and Halloween candy are more great ways to alleviate stress! Happy October, everybody! See you next time. Susan PS Looking for more tips on staying organized? Weve collected some helpful pins and DIY guides on our Teacher Tips and Tricks Pinterest board. Check that out here.

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 outdated career tipsâ€and why they’ve changed

6 outdated career tips- and why they’ve changed You don’t use the phone, watch TV, or dress the same way your parents did when they were your age- so why would you use career advice that has been around just as long (or even longer)? Some pieces of advice in the career world will truly never change: hard work pays off, and you should never get drunk at a company holiday party. Otherwise, things are negotiable. Let’s look at some infamous career advice that might not be so valid anymore. Keep a low profile on your personal life.Advice: Keep your work life and your personal life totally separate, even on social media.What’s changed: Social media like Facebook has evolved over time to include more than your â€Å"friends† per se. Relatives, acquaintances, former dates†¦all show up in your news feed, so why not add coworkers into the mix? Why not even add your boss, if you get along and find her opera singing/supermarathon running/jewelry crafting hobbies interesting? Social media has blurred social li nes a bit and has helped make relationships a bit more informal. When used well, it’s a way to break the ice and build relationships with people you might otherwise only see at work.However, this one does come with a caveat: if you do friend colleagues and managers on social media, set filters or try to keep things clean. Anything you post that can be seen by coworkers becomes fair game. And definitely don’t complain about work if people from work can see it. If you wouldn’t want to see a screenshot of something you wrote land in your work email inbox, don’t write it.And it’s not just social media- socializing with coworkers and sharing (appropriate) details about your personal lives can help you bond and feel more connected to your workplace. Small talk about your weekend or cute pictures of your boss’s kid are not likely to derail your professional relationship or keep either of you from doing the work that needs to be done. And we all nee d allies at work- someone to talk with when things get stressful or with whom you can grab a non-work-related lunch. Chitchat about work-only things will only go so far. You’re much more likely to have good relationships with your coworkers if you can bond over other things you have in common.Keep a strict work-life division.Advice: Don’t even think about work after you leave. Don’t check email after hours. And when you’re at work, don’t do anything personal or non-work related.What’s changed: It’s true, email has helped create â€Å"work creep† that can lead to stress outside of work hours or leave you feeling cheated on your personal time. But like all balances, it’s important to keep negotiating your work-life balance to make sure it still works for you. If it makes your workday better to spend half an hour at night checking a few emails or lining up your to-do list for the next day, do it. If you need a quick break d uring the afternoon to talk to your partner, take it. Keeping a single mindset for eight straight hours is not only difficult, but it can increase your stress. The most important thing is that you’re not letting personal time at work upset your productive time, and that you’re not letting work squeeze out your personal decompression time and priorities.Never show weakness.Advice: If you’re struggling or you don’t fully understand what’s going on, don’t let anyone know. Fake it, or stall until you can straighten it out on your own. Asking for help is a sign of weakness and incompetence.What’s changed: You know what takes a lot of unnecessary time and energy? Faking it. If you don’t understand what needs to be done, ask your manager or someone involved with the task. You shouldn’t lead with, â€Å"Oh man, I have no clue what to do here†- but it’s perfectly all right to say, â€Å"Just so I’m clear her e, this is what I think the next steps are. Can you confirm?† Or â€Å"Can we walk through this again so I understand?† Your manager would rather have a good outcome on a project than a result where you clearly winged it and got things wrong.If you need help, ask for it. Otherwise you risk not being able to bluff your way through as well as you think you can, and wasting both your time and others’. Invest a little time and honesty up front and make it easier on everyone- not least of all yourself. Think of it as a learning opportunity, not a failure.Don’t challenge the boss.Advice: Never challenge your boss on anything. If you don’t agree, just let it go and wait your turn to be the one in charge. After all, she’s the boss for a reason. Do what you’re told, and publicly agree with the official point of view.What’s changed: The manager/employee dynamic hasn’t necessarily changed, but it’s more culturally acceptable now to disagree- albeit diplomatically and productively. This is not to say that you should openly scoff at a particularly ridiculous idea or laugh in your boss’s face when he asks you if you agree about something. Rather, frame it as a respectful difference in point of view. For example: â€Å"I see what you’re saying, but what if we look at it from this other perspective?† Set it as a dialogue instead of just publicly rejecting something your boss has said. Like you, your boss has an interest in making sure things get done in the best way possible, so if you have a difference of opinion that could improve an outcome, don’t be afraid to speak up in a respectful and constructive way.Standard politeness rules apply here as well. Loudly contradicting your boss in a meeting with other people is not likely to go over very well. Nobody likes to be shouted down. But presenting an alternative choice, and acknowledging the validity of what was already said, is a much more productive way to disagree without being rude or unprofessional.Never say â€Å"no.†Advice: Especially when you’re just starting out, always say â€Å"yes† when you’re asked to take on new things or responsibilities. If you say â€Å"no,† you’re not a team player.What’s changed: Saying â€Å"yes† to everything is a shortcut to burnout, and employers have become more conscious of cultivating employee morale. There’s only so much you can handle in the work hours you have available. The better way to handle this is through negotiating and prioritizing. Instead of saying â€Å"I just can’t do this right now,† figure out why you can’t, and ask for help prioritizing tasks if this potential new one is important for you to take on.The key to this one is making sure that your rationale for saying no is a legitimate one. If you just don’t feel like doing it, that’s not going to go over well. But if you genuinely don’t have time, or object for specific reasons, you can be honest about those. Lay out the reasons why, and open a dialogue about how this new ask can or should fit in with your existing workload. It’s always better to have a â€Å"here’s why† list of talking points ready to go, so that your boss doesn’t think you’re lazy, or can’t do the work.Don’t be a job hopper.Advice: Don’t jump from job to job. Settle in and build experience at one job for several years. Job hopping makes you look like an unreliable employee.What’s changed: The world, basically. The job scenario where you start right out of school and stay there for 40 years has become, essentially, a unicorn. The average person now will have eight jobs before they turn 30. And according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employees who are 25 to 34 years old typically stay with a job for three years.Job hopping can be a way t o build your skills and maximize your opportunities instead of staying in a role that may not fit your long-term goals. Job hopping can also mean moving to different jobs within the same company if you find other roles that fit better. While switching jobs every year for the next 15 years is not an ideal strategy (that might truly start to send up red flags for potential employers), you shouldn’t let â€Å"well, I just started this other job† discourage you from seriously considering a job opportunity that pays better, or is better aligned with your career goals.Not all advice is true forever. When it comes to your own career, it’s important to think about whether that advice will truly help you, or if it just doesn’t fit with the way the world works anymore.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jane Addams's contribution to the establishment of femism in the USA Research Paper

Jane Addams's contribution to the establishment of femism in the USA - Research Paper Example ified person† yet was somewhat depressed about her deformity and wished people may not know that this â€Å"pigeon-toed little girl† with a â€Å"crocked back† was this man’s daughter. Her greatest joy was her father’s company. She was quite attached to her father and always confided her â€Å"sins and perplexities† to her father. Her future is mainly the outcome of her father’s brought up. She was aware of the status difference among people since her childhood and often pondered on this fact. She narrates one instance in her book, Twenty Years at Hull House when she wore a really pretty and expensive cloak and asked her father for admiration. Her father advised her to instead wear an old cloak which will keep her warm and the other girls will not feel bad as well. Jane took her father’s advise but â€Å"quite without the joy of self-sacrifice† at that time. Yet it made her think about the inequalities of life (Addams, 191 0). Jane Addams went to Rockford Female Seminary, and graduated in 1881, but was awarded the degree after the school was upgraded to Rockford College for women. She then pursued the study of medicine but had to leave it in the middle due to health issues. Jane had a different thought structure from her fellow girls since the beginning. She didn’t believe in women’s only defined role to a household. She was of the view that women should be properly educated and then utilizes this education in a proper way instead of just preparing and serving meals to the family and should not be confined to household chores only. Ever since her childhood she knew she was born to make a difference (Nevenic, 2004). She recalls a dream that occurred often in her book, Twenty Years at hull house, that â€Å"everyone in the world was dead excepting myself, and that upon me rested the responsibility of making a wagon wheel†¦.I always stood in the same spot in the blacksmith shop, darkly po ndering as to how to begin, and never once did I know how, although I

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Case Study Analysis - Essay Example Babcock conducted wide level strategic changes specifically in areas of process re-engineering, management restructuring as well as people’s management. Efforts were successful and within first year of performance Babcock managed to generate efficiencies in excess to targets across the board without compromising any security risks and services. Babcock over years developed successful relationship with all stakeholders resulting Faslane to become home base for the entire UK submarine fleet. The case assessment herein provides the review of the strategic measures exercised by Babcock for the purpose in relevance to academic management literature. CASE STUDY ANALYSIS The strategic changes undertaken by Babcock from 2002 to 2010 changed the strategic model of Faslane. Broadly, the change has been taken in the areas of process re-engineering, people’s management with flattening management structure etc. The section provides the assessment of the referred changed from three a spect as discussed as follows: Describe the Strategic Change Context In 2002 The change undertaken at Babcock has can be defined as the transformational change among options set out below: (Balogun, J. (2001) Transformational change requires changing in believes and the culture in all (Johnson, Whittington, & Scholes, 2011). As noted in the description people at Faslane were more towards Inwards River fencing than actually intending to serve the Navy. John Howie the managing director of Babcock then also declared that efficiencies in the project are to be explored by changing the mindset of the people serving at Faslane to delivering services with minimum possible cost. Babcock adopted the strategic path for change with intense consideration adhered to factors that are sensitive to firm. These considerations were given to underlying situation of the firm within outer, middle and internal context as follows: (Balogun, J. (2001) Changes undertaken were strictly aligned to maintain wit h the organisational context as focus. Therefore, focus was made changing attitudes and processes than organisation. Low level changes were timed on first place with managerial transformation in later phase. Scope was maintained to change the attitudes towards jobs than changing jobs or people. Such as processes were engineered to ensure value addition to the processes ensuring critical steps preserved while eliminating wastes and redundancies. Almost entire staff was moved towards change with exploring change and efficiency possibilities and capabilities across the board. Small level readiness of employees for changed were enhanced with consistent communication and increased sharing of power. Restructuring, top-down path and participative approach, management leveraging support to understand the value addition paradigm of serving with least possible expense, leadership and involvement of change action team formed the defining characteristics of the strategic change design implement ed by Babcock at Faslane. For such change implementation Babcock undertook measures that consistently increased the strength of factors that appreciated and supported change (Milicevic & Ilic, 2010). In line with Lewin’s Force field analysis (Thompson & Martin, 2010), John undertook measures that also weakened the forces resisting change. Change drivers originally strengthened from the Babcok gaining contract for the job. Further, consistent contact with stakeholder ensuring the enhanced quality of service while reducing bureaucratic pressures from employees also

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chemical Reaction Essay Example for Free

Chemical Reaction Essay Chemical Reactions Lab Objectives: 1. To examine a variety of reactions including precipitation, acid-base, gas forming, and oxidation-reduction reactions. 2. To identify the products formed in these reactions and summarize the chemical changes in terms of balanced chemical equations and net ionic equations. 3. To identify the species being oxidized and reduced in oxidation-reduction reactions and determine which species is the oxidizing agent and the reducing agent. Chemical equations represent what occurs in a chemical reaction. For example, the equation HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) describes an acid-base reaction, a type of exchange reaction in which the driving force is the formation of water. In an exchange reaction, the anion of one reactant changes places with the anion of the other reactant. Most exchange reactions take place in aqueous solutions. Other types of exchange reactions include precipitation and gas forming reactions. When a solution of lead (II) nitrate and sodium sulfate are mixed, you observe that a precipitate is formed. What is the identity of the precipitate and what is the balanced molecular equation and net ionic equation describing this reaction? To determine the answers to these questions, you must first be able to write the CORRECT FORMULAS for the reactants and the products for this reaction. The following represents these formulas in an unbalanced chemical equation: Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) → PbSO4 + NaNO3 Which product is the precipitate? One cannot know the answer to this question without using the solubility rules (Tro text, Table 4.1, p. 136). By using this table it can be determined that PbSO4 is an insoluble salt whereas NaNO3 is soluble. Consequently, one can write the subscripts for the products indicating which product is the precipitate. Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) → PbSO4 (s) + NaNO3 (aq) Is this equation balanced? No. So, it now needs to be balanced. Pb(NO3)2 (aq) + Na2SO4 (aq) → PbSO4 (s) + 2 NaNO3 (aq) To write the net ionic equation, the above equation should be written as a complete ionic equation and then the spectator ions (the underlined ions) are cancelled. Pb2+ (aq) + 2 NO3- (aq) + 2 Na+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) → PbSO4 (s) + 2 Na+ (aq) + 2 NO3- (aq) So, the net ionic equation for this precipitation reaction is: Pb2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) → PbSO4 (s) Oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are another important class of chemical reactions. In redox reactions electrons are transferred from one substance to another. For example, if a copper wire is placed in a solution of silver nitrate a redox reaction occurs and silver metal is formed along with copper (II) nitrate. Oxidation numbers: (0) (+1) (+2) (0) Molecular equation: Cu (s) + 2 AgNO3 (aq) → Cu(NO3)2 (aq) + 2 Ag (s) (0) (+1) (+2) (0) Net ionic equation: Cu (s) + 2 Ag+ (aq) → Cu2+ (aq) + 2 Ag (s) The oxidation numbers for the metallic elements in this equation (See oxidation number rules, Tro text, p. 148) show us that copper metal is being oxidized while the silver ion is being reduced. Copper is therefore the reducing agent while silver nitrate is the oxidizing agent. PROCEDURE YOU NEED TO WEAR GOGGLES AT ALL TIMES WHILE PERFORMING THIS EXPERIMENT. Chemical waste can be disposed of in the waste beakers supplied in the hoods. Part I: Exchange Reactions: 1. Obtain 7 small, clean test tubes. For the purposes of this lab, the test tubes need only be clean, not totally dry. A hose connected to the air supply in the hood may be used to quickly remove most water from the test tubes. 2. Place 10 drops of 0.5 M CaCl2 into each of the 7 test tubes. 3. Next, add 10 drops of 0.5 M solutions of each of the following solutions to the indicated test tubes, and record your observations. Allow at least 5 minutes for reactions to occur before disposing your solutions. Test Tube 1 2 MgSO4 (NH4)2C2O4 3 KNO3 4 Na3PO4 5 KBr 6 NaOH 7 K2CO3 4. Dispose of the solutions and any precipitates in the waste beakers located in the hoods. Wash your test tubes with soap and water. Rinse with tap water, then deionized water. 5. Add an amount equivalent to the size of a small pea of baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate) to a clean test tube. Add 10-20 drops of vinegar. (Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid, HC2H3O2). Record your observations. 6. IN THE HOOD, add an amount equivalent to the size of a small pea of sodium sulfite, Na2SO3, to a test tube. Add 10-20 drops of 6 M HCl. Record your observations. 7. Put 10 drops of 0.5 M nitric acid and 10 drops of 0.5 M phosphoric acid into separate test tubes. Add 1 drop of phenolphthalein to each test tube. Add drops of dilute (0.5 M) sodium hydroxide solution into each of the test tubes until a permanent color change is observed. (NOTE: Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator that is colorless in acidic and neutral solutions, but pink in basic solutions). HINT: When writing your net ionic equations: nitric acid is a strong acid while phosphoric acid is a weak acid. Part II: REDOX REACTIONS: 8. Add a small piece of zinc to a test tube containing 30 drops of 6 M HCl and record what happens. 9. Add a 1 inch piece of copper wire to a test tube containing 30 drops of 6 M HCl and record what happens. (Is copper an active metal or inactive metal with HCl? Look up an activity series of metals online to check). 10. IN THE HOOD, take a 2 inch piece of magnesium ribbon and hold it with a pair of crucible tongs. Light the magnesium metal with a Bunsen burner and record your observations. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE BURNING MAGNESIUM. LABORATORY REPORT Students will write an individual or group laboratory report at the discretion of the professor. Include the following information in your laboratory report, due at the beginning of the laboratory period next week. 1. Title. Title of the experiment, your name, your partners name and the date the laboratory was performed. 2. Introduction. This will be your opportunity to practice writing introductions. The int roduction to the lab should be about chemical reactions in general (why they are important, examples of specific types of chemical reactions such as combustion, precipitation, redox, etc.), not about how to write and balance an equation. For complete guidelines, go to â€Å"Laboratory Reports† on the Chem 1061 website. 3. Experimental Details. A description of the procedure you followed to produce the experimental data and results. Alternatively, you may reference the procedure by citing the URL’s (web addresses). 4. Results. A table or tables of your experimental data, clearly labeled with the proper units. Remember to use subscripts and superscripts where appropriate (examples: cm3 or H2O). A neat table which includes your observations from the precipitation reactions (steps 2-3) should be included in a results section as well as any observations from the remainder of the reactions in parts I and II. 5. Discussion and Conclusion. For all the reactions observed (exchange reactions and redox), write the balanced molecular equation and net ionic equation for each reaction. For each reaction, place phase labels, [(s), (l), (g), or (aq)], after each reactant and product. In addition, for the redox reactions in part II, indicate which reactant is the oxidizing agent and which one is the reducing agent. There is no need to write equations for combinations that produced no reaction. For each reaction that you observed and for which you write equations, you may provide any additional insights that you have into the reaction (was it easy/hard to observe, interesting things to note, etc.). You will also want to correlate things learned or observed with what you discussed in the introduction about reactions in general. 6. References. Citations and references to any sources you may have used for the introduction or to perform, complete, or analyze the results of the lab. 7. Follow your instructor’s directions for submission of this lab report. If you submit by email, please attach a single file with a filename convention of Lastname Firstname Reactions and a subject line of â€Å"Chem 1061: Reactions Lab†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What do Thomas Hardys short stories reveal about his society? :: English Literature

What do Thomas Hardy's short stories reveal about his society? Thomas Hardy was born 1840 and died 1924. He composed most of his writings between 1871 and 1912. From 1912 till death he wrote poetry. Hardy enjoyed writing short stories because he had realised that with the pressures and busy lifestyles of modern day life there was little time to sit down and read a novel. One difficulty of a short story is that it can't give in depth character analyses but they can gradually allow someone to make their own analyses judging by Hardy's content in his stories. They are succinct which made them successful. What is a short story? For Hardy a short story wasn't a tale that explained the details in two sentences and left the reader blank looking for clues as to where the story was going, the background of the story and who everyone was. Hardy's short stories gave as much detail as possible and if something was missing, it appeared later on, he consistently made sure the reader would keep up with the story and never rushed his stories, making sure the reader got the full jist of the story. A very simple example of this is in "The Superstitious Mans Story" where during the story Hardy includes a short paragraph which is told by the narrator of the story, it provides both the listener in and out of the story with a piece of missing information which we need to understand it fully, because in "The Superstitious Mans Story" there are two listeners, ourselves and Hardy's metaphorical Alias Mr. Lackland. Hardy's stories have a personal feel to them, when you read them he is talking to you, explaining and saying everything to you. For example "The Superstitious Mans Story" and "Old Andrey's Experience as a Musician" Hardy uses a conversational tone, he writes his stories in the way they would be told person-to-person, face-to-face as maybe travellers stories. Society has changed greatly since the time of Thomas Hardy, we no longer have the closeness and reliability that everyone had then. Hardy lived in a community and describes a community in his short stories where every member of the community knows everyone else, knows past and present members and they are able to tell stories about each of them. In this community everyone can rely on someone else, be it a friend or neighbour. A community like this is not found in cities as Hardy discovers when he moves to London in his early years, London was one of the first megalopolises. He was introduced to the city which he seen as a

Monday, November 11, 2019

Shipper Manufacturing Company Case Study

In order for the APD Division at Shipper to gradually shift from a low volume/sole-source product line to a higher volume/continuous product, manufacturing will need to adopt new operations objectives with respect to cost, delivery, quality and flexibility. The current customized products allow for costs to be passed through to the customer but with a producer designed product, more of the costs could fall internally and have a larger affect on profits. The price tag of the product will become a more important objective due to increased competition and we will therefore want to reduce costs and should be emphasized as the mission objective. The shift from customer to producer designs will reduce flexibility since Shipper will aim for fewer manufactured products marketed at a wider audience. The quality objective should not change much from the current; Shipper would still want to maintain the quality standards they are known for, which may already provide for a distinct competence. Quality would be an order qualifier supporting the order winner of cost and can aide in positioning APD’s products as a strong competitor in the anticipated market. Delivery as a qualifier will also help win orders in a more competitive environment and thus the objective should be to trim it down. New expectations may require stocking a finished goods inventory and possibly maintaining supplies to quickly produce the goods during peaks of demand. Higher and more normal volume shipping routines may also benefit the end of delivery process. Shipper can help solidify a competitive role in the expected market by establishing a competitive advantage derived from maintaining these objectives when moving towards a multiple customer and high production volume strategy. Many, if not all elements of operations will need adjustment to account for this change in strategy and manufacturing operations objectives. A low cost and improved delivery objective will put a more normal routine on many items and that ideally can improve a number of processes and costs along the way. The process should trend toward a high volume/low cost basis and involve repetition ov er a long period of time. Since these processes would be continually run, it would now be worth the investment of capital into more automated equipment to speed up production and duplication. This should also reduce the labor intensity needed to produce the finished good and be more effective as a line flow as opposed to the current job shop approach. Furthermore, placing orders and stocking inventory will no longer run parallel as easily and may need to be separated in the process for more direct control and efficiency. The materials supply is already integrated vertically and is an existing benefit of the structure, greater possible savings might be achievable due to economies of scale with higher volumes. The work force would be directly affected by the changes in the manufacturing equipment towards automation. Fewer and lower skilled laborers will be necessary, which will draw lower wages and reduce costs but open the potential for dissatisfaction with the job. Management of labor will still be as important as always and the need to maintain morale and a positive attitude could possibly come into play in order to keep workers motivated and production at a high level of quality. More growth opportunities may reveal themselves to laborers with the need for more direct control in manufacturing. Quality control would need to evolve to consider the newer higher volume production versus the existing project orientation. The teamwork mentality may also suffer from the change to a line flow and may require a quality control panel to make up for the quality attitude lost by leaving a group project orientation. Other control factors need to evolve to accommodate the shift. More raw inputs and finished goods may have to be stocked on site and require better organization than the manual system. Production and inventory control will need to get the manual system updated to the new computer system, to eliminate the dependency for expediting and stock chasing, which could only get worse with a larger production. Improved capacity should follow once operations move more towards the higher volume product line and fully utilize new equipment. Scheduling will most likely get more intricate and be streamlined to ensure maximum efficiency from the growing capacity as the operation changes to a line flow. The organization may want to accommodate the new strategy and open up a trained production/inventory control position specific to APD, in addition to the materials management service for all divisions. Developing a quality control area directly under APD also may be advantageous, to incorporate quality assurance into the different steps of manufacturing instead of an end process inspection. It might create a better opportunity to prevent errors in house and reduce the need to correct them after the fact, preventatively reducing costs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marketing plan about Tan Hiep Phat

Marketing Environment HTTP owns a modern production line and performs very well in managing quality tit international standard such as ‘SO, and others. Moreover, they have invested significantly in research and development. One of the important strengths of the company is that they have a strong distribution system. HTTP also has some limitations. The company has only one factory which cannot provide enough products to the market. In addition, the customer service of the company underperformed is another disadvantage.The limited liability company is going to develop to Join-stock company for its benefit of such organizational structure. The weather of Vietnam creates a great opportunities for the support of tea. Therefore, HTTP has a large number of supporters. Moreover, the development of technology fosters the communication between customers and producer more easily and inexpensively. Although there are great opportunities, HTTP is suffering from competitive pressure. While t he direct competitor – CO has dominated a large proportion of market, there are so many substitute products for consumers to choose for the same need.Furthermore, the unstable economy has made some impact on the input and purchase process. Target Market The target market of Zero Degree Green Tea is Vietnamese young adults who account or a large proportion of population in Vietnam. Zero Degree Green Tea aims to be a convenient drink that is good for health and has good taste in top of consumers' mind. Marketing Mix HTTP provides many kinds of green tea in the product line which satisfy different taste of target consumers. The Zero Degree Green Tea is produced by modern technology and contain healthy components such as vitamins.The product is packaged in PET bottle which is reusable. The bottle is designed with green color, so it looks fresh and eye-catching to target consumers. At the beginning, HTTP follows the skimming price strategy with the Zero Degree Green Tea product. T hey want consumers to know that the product has good quality and healthy. At the current time, Zero Degree Green Tea has been set at the market price to compete with other competitors. Promotion strategy of Zero Degree Green Tea focuses on media advertising.In addition, some sales promotion programs were implemented to attract its target market. Products provided by HTTP take advantage from the reputation of the company including Zero Degree Green Tea. HTTP has built good relations with society and media in variety of social activities. HTTP has invested 50 million dollar in striation and facilities. There are two new factories have been built in Chug Alai and Ha Name to provide inventory for the market in the Middle and the North of Vietnam. Zero Degree Green Tea is distributed intensively to the market through many intermediaries.Company Description Tan Hippie Path was well known as Ben Than bear before. It was established in 1994 by Dry. Trans Guy Than. Nowadays, besides hundreds of foreign brands in drinking industry like Pepsi, Coca Cola, Tan Hippie Path almost converts awareness of Vietnamese about carbonated drink into healthier drink. Tan Hippie Pears products intended to achieve the title â€Å"Vietnam High Quality Goods† by consumers voted in honor of National Brands in 2010 and the other valuable prizes which makes the customers trust in quality management as well as environmental protection of Tan Hippie Path.The company is recognized as Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 :2000 in 1999, Environmental Management system ISO 14001 : 2004 2006 and Hygiene Management System Food Safety HACK standards in 2006 Facilities of Tan Hippie Path Company are very large and organizing: Head Office is at 219 provincial highway located in Bin Dung, Vine PH, Than An, Bin Dung. Scale factory broader 110,000 mm, with the equipment, technological lines of research, and the most modern manufacturing Southeast Asia.Furthermore, HTTP is proud to be one of the units owned in many produce technology, the most modern lines Vietnam as sterile lines extracted Aseptic cold, fresh beer, beverages and fermented production line. In 2004, symbolism production with advanced technology shelling of Japan was first applied in Vietnam. Than Herbal Tea, Number 1 energy drink, soy milk Soya Number 1, and so on is the leading brand in the market, has proved HTTP always go early in accessing and understanding the ever-changing needs of consumers.For instance, the most well-known drink, also in one of the first product Tan Hippie Path has produced, Zero decree Green Tea has taken a huge place in drinking generation. Strategic Focus and Plan Vision The vision of company is to become the leading Asian corporations in three main business sectors such as industry drinks, instant food, and plastic packaging. This is measured by a lot of factors; firstly, the company is located in the top 10 leading company in the beverage market and food in Vietnam.Secon dly, it has to achieve Total Quality Management certification and international management standard. The final factor is internal market penetration; the company makes effort to enter brand of Zero Degree green Tea to Asian market. Mission Tan Hippie Path Group produces and does business the healthy products that are good for Asian consumers with the taste and quality of products according to international standards. At the same time, the company has to satisfy the highest demands of customers to deserve as preferred supplier as well as a reliable partner in business. GoalThe objective of the Tan Hippie Path Trading and Services Limited Liability Company is to create the best drink products through multiple brands such as Number 1, Zero Degree Green Tea, Herbal Tea Dry Than to consumers by an extensive distribution system and spread over 64 provinces in Vietnam. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Core Competency Each company has special core competency. So does Ta n Hippie Path, for them, â€Å"Today more than yesterday but not right by tomorrow with Spirit† Nothing is impossible† and they commit to achieve â€Å"International quality standards†.Moreover, the many sets orientation according to the highest spirit of family and becomes a trusted partner. HTTP group is striving to become responsible and respectable citizens in the society. Competitive Advantage To compete with the giants of world-class beverages are available in Vietnam, Tan Hippie Path beverage group tried incessantly to create differences. The advantage of HTTP is flexibility, quick decision making, know how to find out the potential demand of consumers to meet and continuous improvement.The more important thing is that HTTP group is always interested in the development of community because it plays the important role to successes of business. Therefore, HTTP involved in social activities and charity very much. â€Å"l am aware the consumer is king, decide the survival of your business, so in order to receive the support of consumers, we have the contribution by contrast, creates belief in love. Therefore, I have captured the hearts of Vietnamese customers. Success depends on many factors, but ultimately the quality of the product remains the number one criteria. (Businessman Trans Quiz Than-CEO of Tan Hippie Path group) Situation Analysis SOOT Analysts Strengths High-quality human resources Modern productions line and productions facilities HTTP is one of the most leading firm, which achieve integrated systems stability standards: ISO 9001-2004, 14001-2000 Having large share of the market for non-gas beverage Substantial investment in product research and development Numerous award for quality, participated in many social events Wide distribution system Weaknesses There is only one factory located in Bin Dung Firm only focus on domestic market Taps beverage products compete with each other.Customer service is not good Limited liabil ity company Opportunities Large market with modern consumer. High quality materials contribute to improve the quality of products Climate of Vietnam will be a business opportunity if HTTP development suitable products. Tropical climate increases demand for consumer beverage. There are a large number of material supplier of HTTP, That facilitates for manufacture to ensure inputs are favorable Information technology and mass media develop image of HTTP and its products Vietnam located in South East Asia and close to ocean.That is good position for export to foreign market Vietnam have Joint in WTFO since 2006 Drinking tea is traditional habit of Vietnamese and Asian Threats Competitive pressure: Taps products can be competed with other direct competitors like CO of ARC and other substitute goods Customers require more about quality of product and packaging. That increase pressure on R & D department of HTTP Unfair competition Inflation impact on cost of input and purchasing of custome r Complex criteria of hygiene and safety Industry Analysis It is predicted that, Vietnamese beverage tent to increase gradually in gas beverages at about 5% per year.Whereas, non-gas beverage will have a significant growth at a rate of 10% a year, within the period between 2007 and 2015. Specifically, mineral water ND bottle water will have average increase of 12% per year, fruit Juice's figures will increase at 4-7% per year (2007-20019) and 10-12% per year (2010-2015). Most of beverage firm tends to produce and sale non -gas beverage, especially products that's good for consumer's health. In Vietnam and world's beverage market, bottled green tea have been developing significantly, since ass.Almost famous brand which have appeared in Vietnam for many year have produced green tea products in Europe, the U. S, Japan's market. Such as: Lipton, Nestle, Unprinted, ARC. At the moment, there are a lot of green tea products which are bottled. The two most popular product are â€Å"Zero de gree green tea† of Tan Hippie Path, CO of ARC. Specifically, the Statistic of Nielsen in 2011 illustrated that. â€Å"Zero degree green tea† accounted for 13% of the market while, Co's figures were 8,1%.Furthermore, another statistic from Nielsen also showed development of Zero degree green tea proportion in bottled Vietnam green tea market that 1/2007: 30%3/2007: 40%4/2007: 48%5/2007: 49%6/2007: 53%7/2007: 52%8/2007: 57%9/2007: Fact of tea industry Vietnam have climate and geographic conditions for growing of tea. There are 33 over 54 provinces of Vietnam grow tea. Such as Thai Unguent, Lam Dong which is famous place for growing tea in Vietnam. Within period between 2003 and 2004, Tea's output growth steadily and Tea's area were 100. 0006 ha.Thus, it's good opportunity for bottle green tea to develop because of low cost of input. Competitor analysis Since, Tan Hippie Path discovered and developed bottled green tea market, â€Å"Zero degree green tea† brand have begun to be the most popular product in the market. Then, bottled green tea have become potential market that big brands began to Join in. In consequence, there are many bottled green tea products form other firms omitted in this market. Such as: Real leaf (Coca-Cola), Fresh (Vanilla), Lipton Pure Green (Pepsi), CO (ARC).Furthermore, many brands also diversified instance bottled green tea products. Such as artichoke tea, lemon green tea, honey green tea, free- sugar green tea. It creates their differences compared to other competitor. Prefigure 1: The bottled green tea market of Vietnam in 2011 (At-Nielsen) Although many products of many firm in the bottled green tea market, the report of Canticles illustrates that the two most popular products areas of ARC and Zero degree green EAI of Tan Hepatic. The two big ones still maintain a significant distance rather than other brands.Investing in Vietnam with total capital of 14,5 million, CO took aggressive advertising campaign, in 2010, ARC raised the yield to 70% by expanding factories in Ho Chi Mini City and completing new one in Ha Non. To compete against opponent- Tan Hepatic which discovered and had larger market shares, CO found its own way. It is focusing on developing distribution network, particularly in big cities and choosing PET bottles which have a small capacity (mall) to fit the customer hand's size. In consequence, ARC achieved 57% growth in Vietnam in 2011.Therein, CO is the major revenue of beverages segment with the best growth. Company The first and most important reason why Tan Hippie Path has a high position as it is today is the company's strengths in facilities and human resources. They have a high quality input sources from prestigious suppliers. Besides (in addition), a well- equipped infrastructure system with modern machineries, equipment, research facilities and the most modern manufacturing process in Asian, alongside with high regarded labor protection procedures to ensure safety for employees.In HTTP, their moderators (leader) are ambitious and visionary managers: They are very flexible, make decision based on hard working researches and discussions. The success of CO Green Tea is depicted by a great effort of them while they knew how to find out the potential needs of consumers to satisfy and continuous improvement, and not afraid to roll out new products to compete in a hot market of beverage drinks. Their workers are also professionally trained and with high responsibility.Furthermore, Tan Hippie Path has over 17 years of operation in beverage industries and serves the nonuser, company always get customer's trust and appreciation for high quality products and service. It is Illustrated with 11 consecutive years (1999-2009), HTTP was voted as â€Å"one of the top quality brand of Viet Name† by Saigon marketing newspaper readers. The company is one of the leading enterprises of the country reached an international quality standards system such as ISO 90 01-2004, 14001-2000, HACK etc.Especially, they have a larger market share of the beverage market with an extensive distribution system. Indeed, there are other reasons for the company's success and marketing strategies is one of the prominent factors to achieve that. Overall, Tan Hippie Path used their strengths in marketing strategies analysis and evaluation process to satisfy customer about high quality products as well as achieving mission goals. Consumer analysis Customers account for an inseparable part in Tan Hippie Path business.Therefore, customer segmentation and analyzing consumers' characteristics are very essential. Particularly, Tan Hippie Path realized that nowadays consumers have higher education levels and their living standard is better than before, so they always require better laity products. Viet Name is a populous country and with young population who follow modern lifestyle with fast food and convenient drink. Another pro for beverage development is a tropical climate (very hot) so this increase demands for cool drinking.In addition, with respect to the lifestyle of Vietnamese, their products are combinations of traditional (tradition of drinking tea) and modernity (the product is capable of using fast). Tan Hippie Path provides valuable contribution to customers through health and nutrition which is one of the issues people concern today. Take example, because green tea is good for human health: increase resistance, refresh body (compare with Coca cola). O degree green tea of company is a high quality product too that is guaranteed thanks to technology bottled still in high temperatures from 86 degrees C to 90 degrees C.This process keeps honest green tea flavor characteristics, pure quality, and nutrition. Market-product Focus Target Market Zero Degree Green Tea's target market is Vietnamese young adults who are suffering from the negative impacts of fast-paced lifestyle such as pollution, great pressure at school and work. Therefore, t hey raise awareness of healthy drinks use (Best Sustained Success, 2011). Since Vietnam has youthful age structure, this target market becomes very attractive.If GET dominates the market, HTTP can gain much profit. Points of Difference HTTP provides ready-to-drink green tea to the markets with some points of difference. Firstly, it is convenient to carry on and it saves time of making. Moreover, Zero Degree Green Tea is made by natural materials and it has no gas. Therefore, the product does not damage consumers' health. In addition, GET taste very good with lemon flavor. Another difference is that GET is packaged in high quality bottles using PET technology and they are reusable.Positioning The positioning of GET in consumers' mind is a healthy product which supports energy to young consumers. Green tea is also a traditional drink in Vietnam and HTTP has made it more convenient to consume. In addition, the product has low price which is more affordable for everybody, especially you ng people. Marketing Program Product strategy Product line. Tan Hippie Path also provides a variety of green tea products such as free-sugar green tea, lemon green tea, honey green tea honey and lemon green tea, ND even prepare to launch green tea in box.It has diversified the containers of original flavors such as producing lemon green tea in glass bottle, PET bottle and can to satisfy customer needs and wants. Unique product quality. Produced on modern Japanese technological production line with selected verdant leaves plucked out of tea plants on plains, green tea is able to keep its natural and pure flavor. Green tea is mad through hot extraction process in order to ensure food safety and hygiene standard and to detain precious essences of green tea. Zero Degree Green Tea has original flavors to satisfy consumer needs and increase customer value.With nutritious element such as vitamins E, C, and especially EGG, a strong anti-dioxide element, green tea helps people to reduce stre ss, reinforce resistance, prevent skin ageing and cancer in order to cool down your body and spirit after a hardworking day or after a long trip. Furthermore, this products have light yellow color which is same color with nature tea and is not too much sweet. It makes consumers believe that this beverage is good for their health, although, people normally think that bottled and manned drink is harmful from color chemical and sweeteners.It is very convenient to bring along Zero Degree Green Tea on trips, picnics, or in conferences†¦ And sometimes simply drink it at home instead of purified water. Packaging. Its cover are designed finely because green color on it makes consumers feel fresh and friendly with the environment. It is also eye-catching and distinguished from other competitors' products. With the use of heat-resisting mall PET bottle, the choice of trade mark logo (two circles), and green tea bears high aesthetic value under the sponsorship of Number One trademark.Its cover are designed finely because green color on it makes consumers feel fresh and friendly with the environment. It is also eye-catching and distinguished from other competitors' products. Price strategy Since Tan Hippie Path group explored the bottled green tea market in the early of 2006 and achieved success, this market has become an exciting† playground† with a lot of participants such as CO, Green tea 100 and Lipton green tea. In that situation, Tan Hippie Path used the advantage of â€Å"first-mover† in green tea market in order to apply skimming pricing strategy to Zero Degree Green Tea.It means that Tan Hippie Path sets the price which was 20 % more than the others beverage. However, customers still accepted and were willing to buy the product with that price because it was still consistent with Vietnamese standard of living at that time. PET bottle Zero degree green tea Green tea 100 Lipton pure green tea some VEND 7,500 VEND 6800 mall VEND 5,500 mall VE ND 6,000 Figure 2: Retail price comparison of RED green tea 2011 in Vietnam Although the price of zero degree green tea is higher than others, the customers really desiring the product are willing to pay.These people are not very price sensitive because they usually concern more about the quality of the product. When the company sets the higher price compared to the competitors, the customers think that the quality of product is higher than others, too. Tan Hippie Path grasped clients' psychology which most consumers believe that the high price is the good quality. This is one of the factors contributing to the success of this product. However, nowadays, the green tea market becomes more and more competitive with a lot of new brands penetrating the market such as Tea Plus, Fresh, Wonderland and Thin Tar.The customers have ore comparisons about price and quality between the different brands to choose the best product for themselves. Therefore, Tan Hippie Path does not concentrate on skimming price strategy as the first time. The price of Zero Degree green Tea at the moment is medium compared to the other brands in the bottled green tea market. However, within the advantage of â€Å"first mover†, Zero Degree Green Tea has been known and believed in high quality and healthy product, so customer behavior does not change significantly in purchasing decision making.Moreover, setting the medium price is also another advantage of this product in today's market because he company can prevent some brands from entering the market. If Tan Hippie Path still keeps high price as the first time, this makes lots of chances for the other brands entering the market by setting lower price but also ensuring to earn profit. Promotion strategy Zero Degree Green Tea is the first ready-to-drink tea in the market of Vietnam. By understanding consumer's psychology, it had a high position in the consumer's perception. However, today the market has a lot of substitute products.Faci ng this risk, it should focus more on promotion strategic to attract consumer. Tan Hippie Path articulated on activities sponsored in many different fields such as: sports, arts and culture-social activities. Whether being charities donation or trade the item are not out the main purpose for the consumer that is make consumer know about the product and its brand. In the year later, Tan Hippie Path was standing in the top 10 businesses spent on advertising in Vietnam. The most activities are funded biggest like brands for health care, such as: green tea, Barley tea.Advertising. The media which was used in advertising of Zero Degree Green Tea was variety such as newspapers, magazines, televisions and outdoor advertisement. Zero Degree Green Tea has creative advertisement, which has been broadcasting in popular channels like WV, TV and Vietnamese cable TV like ACTS, heal, Lets Viet, yang TV, ACTS. Target customers is people who concerned with health and nutrition so their advertisement concentrated on delivering the idea that Zero Degree Green Tea is able to keep tea's natural and pure flavor.Print Advertisement was posted on almost newspapers such as Auto tree (Youth), Than nine, The gigs pH nu (Women's World), Tip HTH gig Dinah (Marketing family). Advertising campaigns about utilities and benefits of Zero Degree Green Tea which were posted 1 time/week in 3/2006, is presented in the newspapers and magazines. There are several bus stations in which Zero Degree Green Tea puts their advertising panels. Painting advertising on the buses is also the best way for attracting consumer. Moreover, people possibly notice on those advertisements and try to drink Zero Degree Green Tea.They use tools to support sales such as promotions, consumer sampling, sampling route, display products, posters, billboards, organize event to increase brand perception for consumers. Internet is the quickest and shortest way to deliver information to any consumer. Their own website which is u pdated regularly. They also use social network such as backbone which is crowned with young people in community network. In some popular websites for specific group of people (zing. Van, heal . Com, yang. Net), Zero Degree Green Tea puts their animated banner to display attractively their product.Publicity and Public Relations. In the economy's situation today, advertising is declined gradually and abdicated for PR then raising activities and the creation of corporate value are not only in the quality of product, but also the brand's image associated tit the community activities. Tan Hippie Path considered this as a principle of its business operations. Zero Degree Green Tea's brand associated with sports activities, typical is ‘Student contest: Literature – Fitness -Art 2012 U – League' (Hoi HTH sins vine Van-The-My 2012 U-League).Besides the programs funded to the health care of community that were done by Tan Hippie Path such as ‘Day for blood glucose te sting and caring diabetes patients' (Nagy hoi HTH dung yet VA sham Soc been Nan dad that dung); TV Program ‘For the quality of life' (Vi chat lung choc song) aired on HTTP. The meaningful of community activities have asserted Tan Hippie Pat's brand increasingly not only production, good business but also serving the community benefits. Tan Hippie Path Group and music channels Hanta signed cooperation within two years from 9/9/2009.Because their customers are young people and with the same goal which is bringing quality products to consumers, the cooperation between the two sides will support each other in business expansion and exploitation market potential and advertising two brands. Tan Hippie Path got many certifications such as Vietnamese flag of Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs' Unit Emulation excellent work of occupational safety and health in 2006 (03/17/2007); certificate of famous Brand country (26/04/2008); -ran Hippie Path received Vietnamese' Gold Sta r Medals, honoring businesses WTFO, Vietnam Dragon Symbol (30/0112010).These prizes and certifications are recognition of government and community about product's quality. Sales promotion. Tan Hippie Path had many promotion's methods such as discount for buying block, lucky prices, promotions in supermarkets and other retailers to applying for consumers. They organized a lot of activities to promote and deliver their product. For example, promotion program ‘Fun spring, torn label, winning gold' (Year of the Dragon 2012); Zero Degree Green Tea-life moments cooling-Khan shack gigs intent choc song (2012); Zero Degree Green Tea- smile spread-Nu quoi Ian too.Goal of this event is creating opportunities for people to laugh with all people in Vietnam and spread the spirit of optimism, love of life to other people, discover the power of smile. In addition, Tan Hippie Path also held mini- contests for community networks on fan page of Zero Degree Green Tea. Game- shows were taken plac e every week with attractive gifts. On the occasion of holidays, hey were a sponsor for the promotion of the discount programs of Big C supermarket, Co-pop mart, Metro to stimulate consumption on last year's holidays.Personal selling. Main orientation of Zero Degree Green Tea is most concerned with agency. In the mature stage of the product life cycle should not promote this tool. Because of customers and distributors were aware of product's brand in market. Primarily based on advertising to inform, persuade and remind customers. Direct marketing. The company will directly promote their product to targeted customer and improve brand awareness as well. Tan Hippie Path has always focused on tools of discount for sales to wholesalers and retailers.Promote policies and programs as well as support sales and promotions to attract and retain the principal agents. Promotion cost. Nowadays, Zero Degree Green Tea is high in position in the product life cycle. Advertising campaign in favor of psychology attained good results in building images of a natural product, beneficial health, bringing fresh feeling fresh, cool. At the same time, awareness of the tea's benefits for consumers is quite high (over 50 %), besides that the Joining of another brands such as CO, Fresh, tea plus, hat also contributes to increasing competition in the market.Advertisements are not only introducing the product but also its purpose is increasing revenue and profit. However, depending on the life cycle of products that promotions have a certain goal, Zero Degree Green Tea of Tan Hippie Path is on saturated stage of the life cycle of product while rivals the brand's market share is quite Vietnam large, each brand launching different strategies to attract customers. It leads to market which is influenced by many factors detrimental to business so at this time, the primary objective of business is strategy to compete with rivals and large market shares.Therefore budget planning which is suitable for promotional activities will contribute to the success goals. Figure 3: The promotion cost and revenue of Zero Degree Green Tea over the period of life cycle product At the present, the bottled green tea market share is full, Zero Degree Green Tea has to compete more drastically with other opponent. Tap Hippie Path was assessed one of five companies having the highest promotion cost in 2009. Specifically, promotion cost increased 3 times at that time, while other competitor's figures were quite small

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Flim Review, on Meet Joe Black essays

Flim Review, on Meet Joe Black essays A couple of days before his sixty fifth birthday, Bill Parish, a business tycoon (Hopkins), starts to have premonitions about death. The recent heart attacks he has been having, which are accompanied by voices lead him to this premonitions. Although Bill Parish has always had a privileged life being the patriarch of a loving family, a successful leader and chief in a communication corporation, and a squire of a country estate; this disturbance (the voices) makes his life very uncomfortable and almost impossible. In spite of the way he feels, Parish continues his daily routine and lives the same life as before. Parish has a very strong relationship with his daughter, Susan (Fortani); he wishes that she would think twice before she makes her decision to marry Drew, her boyfriend, (Weber). Parish describes love; "I want you to levitate," he tells her "I want you to dance like a dervish." Susan understands what her father is telling her but simply hasn't encountered a man that makes her feel that way. That morning Susan notices a young handsome man at a coffee shop (Pitt). She is intrigued by his looks and his chatty personality. This encounter makes Susan realize what being levitated means. She had met this guy only that morning and yet feels her heart lift from within. When both strangers walk their separate ways, in their minds they had both been swept away. While crossing the street the young man unexpectedly gets hit by a car and physically dies but within his spirit still lives. You would think that the movie would be pointless by now; although the film is now at it's staring point, it was a beginning of an incarnation. Parish realizes that the premonitions he's been having are real and is encountered with Death itself. Death had taken the physical form of the young deceased man in order to take a break from the dying world. Death wants to experience the living world for a change. Parish asks Joe Black (man at the coffee) shop, "...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Assessment of the Progression of the Withdrawal of Weapons and Military Forces in the World

Assessment of the Progression of the Withdrawal of Weapons and Military Forces in the World This is my research paper on disarmament. It contains breifly all the important steps taken in the feild of disarmament till recently. Introduction Prof. Lincoln P. Bloomfield aptly remarked that, A visitor from another, more advanced planet would find many paradoxes on earth, but surely the most extraordinary would be the fantastic destructive potential of nuclear weapons which contrasts starkly with the primitive and near impotent institutions of global peacekeeping. He might marvel that a breed capable of producing the wealth for a 185 billion armory of lethal devices let alone the technology for killing several hundred in a single exchange of weapons had not produced a workable international order capable of regulating such apocalyptic man-made power. . Also no such International Order exists today and the prospects are not encouraging that it will exist within the foreseeable future. Dr. Hambro has also rightly remarked The armament race comes as close to collective insanity as anything in the history of mankind and it is, to my mind, surprising that public opinion is willing to take it. Disarmament has become a more urgent and complicated issue with the rapid development of nuclear weapons capable of mass destruction. Since the explosion of the first atomic bombs in 1945, the previous contention that armaments races were economically inexpedient and led inevitably to war was replaced by the argument that the future use of nuclear weapons in quantity threatened the continued existence of civilization itself. It was understood that war was unnecessary and nations of the world also understood the urgent need to part with these deadly weapons. The League of Nations writes Philip Noel Baker, is the first attempt in history to furnish the international society of nations with the permanent and organic system of international political institutions. This attempt was an outcome of the world war. In the post-World War II period, there were discussions at several levels with a view to the limitation and control of armaments. Efforts ranged from continuous talks at the United Nations to such discussions among nuclear powers from the SALT era to the START era and it still continues What is Disarmament? Disarmament is defined as the act of laying down arms, especially reduction or abolition of a nations military forces and armaments. It is not a new concept. It has been discussed for several centuries even before the formation of League of Nations. The idea of disarmament can be traced from the writings of Sully, William Penn, Rousseau and Kant. But plans for its implementation have failed because no State was willing to pay the price that was required (i.e. to reduce there armaments and military force). The proposal of Russian Czar to Lord Castlereagh of Great Britain in 1816, however, was the first practical attempt to achieve quantitative disarmament. French monarch also made similar proposals in 1831 and on several other occasions, but with no success. The International Peace Conference at Hague in 1899 is the first great landmark in the field of disarmament because it invoked for the specific purpose of limiting armaments by national agreement. Yet another landmark was the treaty of Versailles, which drastically reduced the German armaments. Thus during 19th century and down to the time of the First World War, numerous efforts were made to achieve the limitation and reduction of national armaments by international agreements. Although there had been a great number of discussions, conventions and proposals for disarmament, the ones that claimed success were few. It had been rightly observed by an eminent author: Disarmament efforts have been many, the successive few and limited. There has never been an approach to what Cohen calls effective disarmament. Disarmament and The League of Nations The Covenant of League of Nations was adopted as a part of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. It came into existence on January 10 1920 with 18 member states. According to Philip Noel Baker, the League of Nations is the first attempt in history to furnish the international society of nations with the permanent and organic system of international political institutions. This attempt was an outcome of the world war. As the League was adopted just after the world war, the framers selected achievement of widespread disarmament as its fundamental goal. Finally, the Disarmament Conference met on February 2, 1932, in Geneva. The representatives of 61 States, who participated, agreed on necessity of arms limitation, of international supervision of the arms business and of publicity of arms budget. Though the Conference failed in reconciling the French demand for security and German demand for status of equality with other European nations, it proved to be useful in solving some technical problems of the disarmament. It also became evident that the concept of security was of greater than the concept of limiting arms i.e. to say disarmament must follow rather than precede security. However the League of Nations was considered unsuccessful in achieving the concept of widespread disarmament. The efforts of the League failed on multifarious grounds. Some of the reasons of the failure of League in achieving widespread disarmament are as follows: League of Nations was not universal. It was limited to a few nations. It didnt have any effective enforcement body. The Conference for disarmament was held too late under very hostile conditions. The major reason however was that there was no unity between the nations which were members of the League. They were hostile towards each other. The rise of Hitler and the efforts of Germany in re-arming proved that League was a failure in achieving Disarmament and peace. Finally, the League of Nations was dissolved in 1946. Disarmament and The United Nations Inefficiency of the League of Nations led to the Second World War in 1939, which was the most destructive among the two. The result of the Second World War compelled the nations to establish an international organization so that mutual disputes could be resolved peacefully and peace be restored in the world. This lead to the establishment of United Nations Organization in 1945. United Nations was far more effective and efficient in promoting widespread disarmament as compared to League. It also had a greater number of member nations and a better enforcement body. The Charter of the UN provides for the regulation of armaments. The provisions of disarmament in the UN Charter are as follows: The Charter empowers the General Assembly to consider the general principles of co-operation in the maintenance of the peace and security, including the principles governing disarmament and the regulation of armaments. The Assembly can also make recommendation with regard to such principles to the Members of the Security Council. Secondly, it is further provided that in order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion to armaments, the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee (referred to in Article 47) can formulate plans for regulation of armaments. Thus the Charter aims to provide security along with the regulation of armaments by granting military powers to the U.N under Article 43. However it has to be noted that the special agreements in the Article 43 have not materialized till today. The Military Staff Committee has ceased to function and hence it never dealt in regulation of armaments. Thirdly, in order to enable the U.N. to take urgent military measures, the Charter enjoins the members to hold immediately available national air force contingents, for combined international enforcement action. However the first important step of the U.N in the field of Disarmament was of adopting a resolution on January 24, 1946, which established the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission. The function of this Commission was to regulate and reduce nuclear weapons. On June 24, 1946, United States presented a plan known as the Baruch Plan to the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission. This plan envisaged the establishment by treaty an International Atomic Development Authority which was to own, operate, manage and license all facilities for the production of atomic energy. The aim of the United States by this plan was to establish a control system independent of the Charter and the Atomic Energy Commission, which included inspection and verification of weapons especially nuclear weapons before taking major steps towards Disarmament. But this was opposed by the Soviet Union, which stuck firmly to the original Charter. The Soviet Union insisted for prior outlawing of atomic weapons and reduction of all weapons without effective international control by means of inspection. Consequently, a compromise was made by laying down certain principles, which governed the general regulation and reduction of armam ents. However when the US monopoly of nuclear weapons ended in 1949, Baruch Plan lost its importance. So a need was felt to form a body for regulation of weapons that too mainly nuclear weapons. This need led to the establishment of Disarmament Commission by the 6th General Assembly in 1952. This consolidated the U.N. Atomic Energy Commission and the U.N. Commission for Conventional Armaments. Soviet Union and the Western Allies constituted the five-power sub-committee of Disarmament Commission. Also in October 1956, another body namely International Atomic Energy Agency was established. The Agency aims to seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. It comprises of three organs namely General Conference, A Board of Governors and Staff headed by the Director General. The most important and difficult task faced by it is inspection and safeguarding of fissionable materials. The Agency is neither related to U.N. nor is an independent inter-governmental organisation. It has a special status under the aegis of the U.N. Disarmament Efforts from 1960 to 1970 Though 15 years had passed after the establishment of the United Nations, there were no significant or important steps taken for the purpose of Disarmament till 1960. The year 1960 witnessed a turning point in the disarmament debates when there was a thaw in the relation between the two super powers namely United States of America and The Soviet Union. The consequence of this thaw was the signing of four important treaties, which dealt with Disarmament. These treaties were as follows: Partial Test Ban Treaty (1963) On 5th of August 1963, The Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT), also known as Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT) was signed in Moscow by the United States, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. Finally 113 Countries became part to it, which included India, Italy etc. However, France and China did not sign this treaty. The treaty required the Parties to prohibit, prevent, and abstaining from carrying out nuclear weapons tests or any other nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, in outer space, under water, or in any other environment, if such explosions cause radioactive debris to be present outside the territorial limits of the State that conducts an explosion. However this treaty does not provide for international verification and it is understood that each party may do so by its own national technical means. Outer Space Treaty (1967) The Legal Subcommittee considered the Outer Space Treaty in 1966 and agreement was reached in the General Assembly in the same year. The Treaty was opened for signature by the three depository Governments (the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States of America) in January 1967, and it entered into force in October 1967. The Outer Space Treaty provides the basic framework on international space law, including the following disarmament principles: States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner. The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes; States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies. 98 States have ratified, and an additional 27 have signed the Outer Space Treaty The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (1967) The Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (also known as the Treaty of Tlatelolco) obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons, nor to permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries. This Treaty was signed on February 14 1967, at a regional meeting of Latin American countries at Tlatelolco, a section of Mexico City. Non Proliferation Treaty (1968) The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also referred to as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), obligates the five acknowledged nuclear-weapon states (the United States, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, and China) not to transfer nuclear weapons, other nuclear explosive devices, or their technology to any non-nuclear-weapon state. Non-nuclear-weapon States Parties undertake not to acquire or produce nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices. They are required also to accept safeguards to detect diversions of nuclear materials from peaceful activities, such as power generation, to the production of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. This must be done in accordance with an individual safeguards agreement, concluded between each non-nuclear-weapon State Party and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Under these agreements, all nuclear materials in peaceful civil facilities under the jurisdiction of the state must be declar ed to the IAEA, whose inspectors have routine access to the facilities for periodic monitoring and inspections. If information from routine inspections is not sufficient to fulfill its responsibilities, the IAEA may consult with the state regarding special inspections within or outside declared facilities. The Treaty was opened for signature on 01 July 1968, and signed on that date by the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and 59 other countries. However, India refused to sign this treaty on the ground that it was discriminatory and unequal. Disarmament Decade (1970 -1980) The decade of 1970 was declared by the United Nations as the Disarmament Decade. The U.N. Agency that has been mostly involved with the goal of Disarmament was the 26 Nations U.N. Conference on the Committee on Disarmament. It celebrated its 10th anniversary in March 1970. It was very heartening to note that the U.Ns Disarmament Decade began auspiciously with the coming into force on 5th March 1970 of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The decade also witnessed the signing of a number of treaties. They are as follows: Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof. This treaty was opened for signature at London, Moscow and Washington from 11 February 1971 and it came into force on 18 May 1972. The Treaty read as follows The States Parties to this Treaty undertake not to implant or emplace on the seabed and the ocean floor and in the subsoil thereof beyond the outer limit of a sea-bed zone, any nuclear weapons or any other types of weapons of mass destruction as well as structures, launching installations or any other facilities specifically designed for storing, testing or using such weapons. However it has to be noted that the treaty prohibited only the placement and fixation of weapons on the seabed and is silent about mobile launchers and submarines, which are likely to remain a principle means of nuclear warfare. Thus it is evident that treaties dealing with nuclear disarmament that were made by U.S.A and Russia had the aim of preventing the non-nuclear countries from acquiring atomic weapons, rather than to regulating and giving up of their own armaments. Hence India did not sign this treaty, which was one-sided. In-spite of all this limitations, this treaty succeeded from barring nuclear weapons from 70% of the earths surface, which was a significant contribution towards disarmament efforts. Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks took place between U.S.A and the Soviet Union on May 1972. The aim of these talks was to find a way for both sides to agree on plans that would limit and perhaps some day reduce their vast nuclear arsenals. However this agreement permitted both the countries to replace existing offensive nuclear missiles with more sophisticated weapons as technological advance permits. Hence it was said by the Chinese Chief Mr. Chiao Kua Hua that Soviet American agreement to limit Strategic Arms be in no way regarded as a step towards nuclear disarmament. On the contrary, it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the Soviet American arms race. Convention on the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapon and on their Destruction. This convention was drafted by the conference of the committee on Disarmament and was commenced by the General Assembly on December 16 1971. On April 10 1972, it was opened for signature with a special request of the then Secretary General Kurt Waldheim that the convention may be signed and ratified as early as possible. The aim of the treaty was to promote general disarmament and for that purpose, it prohibited development, production and stockpiling of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons. Geneva Disarmament Conference (1974) It began on 17 April 1974 with 25 nations participating. The aim of this conference was to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons under the ground. It also dealt in making an agreement regarding Chemical Weapons. Special Session of General Assembly on Disarmament (1978) The Special Session on Disarmament was held by the General Assembly from 23rd May to 1st July 1978 at United Nations Headquarters. Before the end of the session, a Final Document consisting of an Introduction, a Declaration, a Programme of Action, and Recommendations concerning the international machinery for disarmament negotiations. Under the Programme of Action, the Assembly set out a series of suggestions for negotiation and in Declaration, which is the part of the Final Document, it urged that the resources released through disarmament be used to promote the well being of all peoples and to improve the economic conditions of developing countries. The main aim of this Session was to strengthen the international disarmament negotiating machinery. Disarmament Efforts after 1980 After 1980, there was a revolution of technology. It affected almost all the fields including the field of armaments. With the development of technology, new types of weapons with immense destructive capacities were invented. Hence it was necessary to promote disarmament and regulate the creation of these armaments. Following are the important developments in the field of disarmament, which took place after 1980. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons that may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (1981) It dealt with the prohibition of very harmful conventional weapons. These included prohibition of weapons that emitted radiation harmful to human body, prohibition and regulation of mines, booby traps, incendiary weapons (weapons that cause fire when used) and blinding laser weapons. Rarotonga Treaty (1985) In 1983, 16 years after the Treaty of Tlatelolco was opened for signature, Australia proposed to establish a nuclear weapon free zone in the South Pacific. As a result of the negotiations between the concerned States, a treaty was signed on August 6, 1985, in the city of Rarotonga, capital of the Cook Islands, establishing the proposed zone. Treaty on Open Skies (1992) The Treaty on Open Skies entered opened for signature on 24 March 1992, currently has 34 States Parties. The Treaty established a regime of unarmed aerial observation flights over the entire territory of its participants. The Treaty was designed to enhance mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants, regardless of size, a direct role in gathering information about military forces and activities of concern to them. Treaty on Open Skies is one of the most wide-ranging international efforts to date to promote openness and transparency of military forces and activities. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1995) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was adopted as a result of the Geneva Conference, which took place in June 1995. This treaty was adopted with the view of removing the shortcomings of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It contained a comprehensive plan to prohibit nuclear tests. However, it was silent on the question regarding the destruction of already existing nuclear stockpiles. However this treaty was flouted by America by developing a super nuclear weapon capable of destroying targets placed under the ground. On the one hand, America has been pressurizing other countries to sign the treaty and on the other hand, it has been developing destructive nuclear weapons. These types of stand taken by America were severely criticized by many countries including India. Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction (1997) This treaty is also known as Ottawa Treaty and was proposed by Canada. The main aim of the treaty was to destroy all types of Anti Personnel mines. The treaty also required that besides stopping the production and development of mines, a party to the treaty must destroy all the mines in its possession within 4 years. Just a small number of mines are allowed to remain for training (mine-clearance, detection, etc.). India and Disarmament Since Independence, India has consistently pursued the objective of global disarmament based on the principles of universality, non-discrimination and effective compliance. Given the horrific destructive capacity of nuclear weapons, India has always believed that a world free of nuclear weapons would enhance both global security and Indias own national security. Thus India has always advocated that the highest priority be given to nuclear disarmament as a first step towards general and complete disarmament. In 1978, India proposed negotiations for an international convention that would prohibit the use of threat of use of nuclear weapons. This was followed by another initiative in 1982 calling for a nuclear freeze i.e. prohibition on the production of fissile material for weapons, on production of nuclear weapons, and related delivery systems. At the special sessions of the United Nations General Assembly on disarmament, India put forward a number of serious proposals including the 1988 Comprehensive Plan for total elimination of weapons of mass destruction in a phased manner. It was a matter of regret that the proposals made by India along with several other countries did not receive a positive responsive and instead, a limited and distorted non-proliferation agenda, meant above all to perpetuate nuclear weapons was shaped. India didnt sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty because India considered these treaties as discriminatory and unequal. Both of these treaties were put forward by the nuclear power U.S.A, which later flouted these treaties. Thus according to India, these treaties were the ways designed by the nuclear powers to keep away nuclear know-how from non-nuclear states. However India has signed and ratified other treaties and conventions like Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention etc. This shows that India is an active country, which supports and takes actions for the promotion of disarmament. Conclusion Thus to conclude, it can be said that disarmament process is a very difficult one, but is very important in promoting international peace and security. However, complete disarmament can be obtained only if there is no threat to security of a nation or an individual and to achieve this task, there should be a strict and organized international order and absence of terrorist organizations. Unless this is achieved, the concept of disarmament will remain as the monopoly of the powerful nation to suppress other nations. The U.S attack on Iraq is a fresh example of this.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Product life cycle (PLC) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Product life cycle (PLC) - Assignment Example Introduction Stage Pepsi Next is a beverage drink manufactured by Pepsi. Pepsi introduced it into the United States market in 2012, and therefore, it is at the introduction stage. Ever since, Pepsi has introduced the product to the international market. The company had a strong launch for the product. This shows it commitment to making the product globally recognizable. Its target market includes lapse cola drinkers. According to Pilger,†the company had lost a significant number of cola drinkers to competitors and the main aim of Pepsi Next was to win them back† (54). The company used â€Å"drink it to believe it† tag line in launching the product. The philosophy has worked well for the company. In terms of promotion mix, the company applied television adverts, direct mail, digital marketing, and heavy free trials. The product is at the introduction stage because of the high cost per a new customer acquired. The high cost is associated with the marketing costs, for example, the heavy free trials. The company offered free samples for the product including the over 800 Wal-Mart stores. Although the company’s top leadership believes that the product has performed beyond expectation, it has registered low sales. For example, because of a strong launch and promotional activities, the product had acquired a market share of 1 percent. However, the market share has declined to 0.6 percent because of low repeat sales. However, the management is convinced that the product would perform better in future. Growth stage Coke Zero is a soft drink manufactured by Coca-Cola. The company launched the product in 2006. It is at the growth stage in the product life cycle. Since the product was introduced into the market, it has been registering increasing sales. It has contributed a lot to the company’s profitability. For example, within the two years of the introduction into the UK market, the product sales reached ?75 million. Hays states that â⠂¬Å"the drink has been launched in over 70 countries and is experiencing growth in over 80 percent of its new markets† (98). The target market for the product is young men and women who are concerned about their sugar intake. After the product was introduced into the market, Pepsi sugar free drinks experienced decreased demand within the first two years. Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max, for example registered a demand of 129 million liters for the seven months after the product was launched. This was a decline compared to the demand of 138 million liters registered within the same period the previous year. Coke zero currently is registering increasing profit and an average cost per customer. This is because there are no costly promotional activities going on as the product is already established. Maturity Stage Sprite manufactured by Coca-cola is at maturity stage. The soft drink has been in existence since 1961. The product is at the sales peak, which cannot grow further. Baldwin st ates â€Å"Sprite has a low cost per customer (32)†. One reason behind this is the fact that the product is already globally recognizable and there are no costly promotional methods used in marketing it. There are as well high profits associated with the product now. Additionally, Sprite does not face a stiff competition as it was facing during the growth stage. Decline stage Diet Dr. Pepper, on the other hand is a soft drink that was introduced in 1963. After it was introduced, the product enjoyed increased support from its target